Saturday, 6 April 2024


1. MARRIAGE COURSE: it will cost you three months of tutorials by the priests, trained instructors and medical experts . In some parishes the course can last for less than 3 months. Registration ranges between 2k and 5k. I am yet to see where they charge more than 3k.

2. BANNS: Marriage banns is a publication of your intention to marry in your home town, present residence and any other place you may have lived for years. The aim is to make sure you weren't married to someone else or hiding some conditions that disqualify you from wedding in the church, such conditions are called impediments.

 No fee is attached to banns, though some regions of the country ask people to pay for what they call clearance. Clearance is a controversial issue that needs separate treatment. Normally, banns have no financial charges attached. 

3. Submission of relevant documents such as court registration, evidence of bride price payment/compliance with  traditional ceremonies, genotype test result, baptismal cards, sponsor's form.

4. Agree a date and time for your wedding with the priest. There is no law in the church that says wedding must be on a Saturday and by 10am with a crowd of people. In the Catholic church, a quorum for church wedding is formed by the spouses, their sponsors and the priest, any other person is jara.

5. Stole fee is about 2k,  depending on diocese and parishes. 

Take note that wedding gown, suit, ashoebi, bridal trains, flower girls, little bride and groom, photographers, videographers, renting of halls for reception, hiring DJs, cooking for people, wining them etc are not part of church wedding. 

The total amount spent on church wedding is ideally less than 15k. Wedding in the church is the cheapest celebration ever. We don't make money from celebrating marriage for people in the church, it is a sacrament and the sacraments are not for sale. 

If I left anything out,  my brother priests on this platform should please add.

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