Thursday, 11 November 2021

General Overview of Justice, Development and Peace Commission (JDPC), Diocese of Issele-Uku



The Justice Development and Peace/Caritas is a social arm of the Catholic Church, founded and inaugurated in January 1967 by Pope Paul VI as the pontifical council for justice and peace. It is a social arm of the church saddled with the responsibility of promoting justice, peace and integral development in the society while liberating people from oppression, as the motto of the organization goes – “hope for the hopeless”.

In line with that general mandate, the Justice, Development and Peace Commission of Issele-Uku Diocese is charged with ensuring justice and peace in our society, especially among the less privileged and vulnerable ones. We are the developmental agency of the Church in partnership and cooperation with relevant Non-Government Organization (NGOs), Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), Community Development Associations (CDAs), other Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Individuals, and Government Agencies. We are registered in 2005 with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) with the registration number: CAC/IT/NO 19551 and presently in the process of getting registered with Ministry of Women Affairs, Community and Social Development as a non-profit and non-governmental organization. Beyond the assistance we render to the less privileged, we also run prison apostolate through which we render spiritual and counseling services to the inmates as well as provide free legal services to some of them who are not able to afford a lawyer and stand up for those who are unjustly detained. Through our office also, the Church reaches out to the masses with many informative, humanitarian and developmental activities for the benefit of the society in line with the life and teachings of Christ.  



Having a society that guarantees people of freedom, hope and worthwhile living.



To build a society of socially responsible citizenry, where human rights, equality and fair play are the principles of life, and mutual respect and order is the conduct of human development.



Ø  Integrity

Ø  Transparency

Ø  Accountability

Ø  Human Dignity



The aims and objective of the Commission are:

(1)               To promote Human Right as enshrined in Charters of Human Rights and the Nigeria Constitution.

(2)               To Co-operate with people of other faith and persuasions on issues of common social concern and uplift human conditions without discrimination or segregation.

(3)               To bear witness to the liberating Gospel of Jesus through continued prophetic action for the promotion of Justice, Development, Peace and Charitable works in the Society.

(4)               To form animated groups to participate in their own development for peaceful Co-existence.

(5)               To Co-operate with international agencies, government CSO’s and NGO’s for integral development.

(6)               To empower women and bring about gender balance.

(7)          To provide legal aid for the less privileged and awaiting trial inmates and also to engage in public interest litigation.

(8)               To empower youth and reduce unemployment.

(9)               To provide Micro-credit facility for the poor populate. Especially women in rural areas.

(10)           To resolve conflicts peacefully among parties in disagreement.

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