Saturday, 13 November 2021


*Why Do Men Lose Sexual Urges?*
From ancient times, men did discovered that when lovers have been together for many years, they gradually lose sexual appetite for each other. Even to the point that the man can no longer get his penis erected in sexual anticipation, no matter the seductive efforts of the woman to help in copulation. This can be very trying and devastating especially for the man, who before then had always considered himself "ever ready...a champ!"
Meanwhile, as soon as he stepped out into the arms of another woman, his penis surges in arousal to the heights of Mount Everest. As a traditionally superstitious and unlearned man, he concludes, "There is something wrong with my wife." So he marries this second woman. The same strange "impotence" reoccurs after some years, and he goes on to marry another....
You see, polygamy in many cases is about men trying to be sexually active till death. They do not understand that no longer having sexual appetite for the woman you have been with for years is very natural. They think it is abnormal. But the truth remains that when you have been with one particular woman for a very long time, sexual appetite dies off gradually. This is why the Urhobo people have a proverb especially among men with multiple lovers, "Ohoro ovo hw'osho!"(One vagina only, kills penis).
Nevertheless, observation, experience, and deductive logic have proved that the reason why we lose sexual appetite overtime for our women is not that they stopped being beautiful, or sexually attractive.
It is because a man being together with a woman transcends sex. When everything is done and dusted, only one undeniable human need lingers on: companionship.
Companionship is the reason some married people celebrate fifty years of being together in marriage. Were it not so, left for sex alone, that marriage would have ended, at least, forty years before then.
I rest my case.

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