Saturday, 13 November 2021

Steps to resolving conflicts in marriage

- Find a God honouring solution (In the resolving process, bear in mind that there is an unseen guest, the Almighty God who was a witness between you and your spouse.-Malachi 2 : 14)
Each of you tells the other what you think the problems is.
Don't seek to prove who is at fault, talk about possible solutions.
Discuss the possibilities, thinking of what would be best for your marriage.
Recognize that a solution will require a change in behaviour on the part of both partners. Ask yourself, “what can I do to make this solution work “?
- Focus on changing your behaviour
Work on changing your behaviour and allow your partner to work on his or hers ( Don't say, “ when you change I will change “)
- Forgive each other
To forgive simply means to release. To set a person free as a judicial act
Forgiving is not a feeling but something you choose to do
It is a command not optional (Colosians 3 : 13 - Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you).
When a husband or wife has been hurt, the “self” cries out for justice. God did not give us justice but rather He offered us mercy and grace.
- Hug each other.
When we touch – cuddle, hug, or hold hands, our bodies release “feel good” hormones. Once the hormones are released into our bodies we experience feelings of happiness, relaxation, improve mood, and lower levels of depression.
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