Wednesday, 29 May 2024


 *(1995 - 2009)* 



 *Vivian Uchechi Ogu was a 14-year-old girl* who lived an exemplary holy life through her missionary works and died a heroic death by opting to be killed rather than being sexually defiled.

Vivian was born in Benin City on the 1st of April, 1995 to the catholic family of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ogu of *Enyiogugu of Aboh-Mbaise Local government area of Imo State, Nigeria.* 
She was the second out of four children.

Vivian attended Air Force Nursery and Primary School where she distinguished herself as the most intelligent pupil in her class.
She was a parishioner of St. Paul Catholic Church Airport Road Benin City., a member of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, the choir mistress of the children's choir, and the president of the Holy Childhood Association in the parish, where she made a remarkable impact both at the parish and Archdiocesan level.

She was always found instructing and guiding other kids on the necessary of maintaining their purity and defending their virginity, even if it meant giving their lives.

 *The Servant of God, Vivian Ogu Engagements in Pastoral activities at the age of Nine.* 

Vivian began to publicly demonstrate her zeal and courage in speaking to other children on the dignity of purity and virginity.
She had a self-determined goal to live an exemplary Christian Life, with which she inspired other young people to greater spirituality and love for humanity.

When the Holy Childhood Association (HCA) wad inaugurated in the parish of St. Paul in 2006, Vivian was unanimously elected as the first president.

As the president of the holy childhood association, at the age of nine years, she mobilized funds to pay the bill of many poor children in the Central hospital, Benin City. She organized several visits to orphanage homes where she touched the lives of so many poor orphans.
The Servant of God Vivian was quite young but very committed both at Church and School.
She joined the Sunday school community and later the choir.
Through her inspiration, the Parish council approved the children's choir which grew from about twenty children to nearly sixty children at the time of her death.
This choir frequently won first place in the various musical competitions organized by the Holy Childhood Association, from 2007 right up to the most recent ones.

She almost always took part in special events organized by the Church, such as the yearly Children's day celebration, the Annual children mission day, the Christmas carol service as well as the end-of-year Thanksgiving.
In addition she took part in almost all the activities in the parish community where the children are given the responsibility of organizing liturgical activities for the day, she will take either  the reading or prayer of the faithful.
As a renowned preacher, she inspired and mentored so many children and even youths, especially in her parish and her School in following the path of holiness and defending the dignity of virginity, following the footsteps of *St. Maria Goretti, her favourite saint,* of who she always teach other children about.
At the age of thirteen, she already embarked on the development of her commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. She had reached the 16th chapter of that Gospel before her death.
Vivian played a prominent role in the yearly Teen Camp meetings which began in 2007 where they encouraged young people's active participation in the Sunday Eucharist and further catechesis on the liturgy.

She was in Senior Secondary II in Greater Tomorrow Secondary School and the assistant prayer leader in her school before her death.

On Sunday, the 15th of November, 2009, after preaching about purity, virginity, and martyrdom to her fellow children in the church in the morning, the opportunity came for her to put into practice what she preached all her life.

While at home that evening, three armed robbers came to rob her family and afterward took her and her elder sister to a nearby bush and attempted to rape them.
She kept telling her sister not to allow them, even if it meant they would be killed.
They were distracted by her insistency and in the process, her sister was able to escape.
Following the struggle with her assailants,
She vehemently refused and opted to be shot instead and indeed she was martyred and her body was found the following day.

Having learned the news of her heroic death, the government of Edo State granted the land where Vivian Ogu was martyred to the Catholic Archdiocese of Benin City.
Two years later, the local government council of Ikpoba Okha officially named the street on which she was killed “Vivian Ogu”.
On the 17th of September 2019, the Edo State government launched the Vivian Ogu Sexual Assault Referral Centre which provides services and support to survivors of sexual assault in Edo State.

Since the death of Vivian Ogu, the Catholic Archdiocese of Benin City has consistently celebrated Memorial Day for Vivian Ogu on the 15th of November every year.
The Vivian Ogu Movement was inaugurated in 2014 by the Catholic Archbishop of Benin, Most Rev. Dr. Augustine Obiora Akubeze with the task of:
Promoting the story of her exemplary life and heroic death so that many more may strive towards her heroic virtues and seek her intercession.
Preserving and developing the land where she was killed.

To celebrate the extraordinary missionary month in October 2019, the Holy Father Pope Francis asked for the biography of possible saint figures, canonized or not, to be used as heroic missionary examples for the whole world. Vivian Ogu was one of the twenty-five saint figures selected from the entire countries of the world.

Consequently, on the 26th of October 2019, the entire Catholic Church in Nigeria gathered at Vivian Ogu Animation Centre (VOMAC) for the national celebration of the extraordinary missionary month of October. *The Holy Father Pope Francis was represented by the president of the Pontifical Mission Society, Archbishop Giampietro Dal Toso.*


 *Thanks for reading* 
 *Please share* 
 *Let people know about* *Her.* 
 *The young Nigeria Saint of our time.* 
 *God Bless you.* 



May 28th every year is set aside by the United Nations to mark World Menstrual Hygiene Day.

To mark the day, a member of the JDPC Issele-Uku in St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Agbor, Mrs Anwuli Ukwamedua engaged the female students of Ogbemudein Model Secondary School, Agbor in an interactive session on the theme of this year’s celebration; Period Friendly World.

She stressed the fact that Having Monthly periods are very normal and natural events that every female must experience from the age of puberty. She debunked some myths surrounding monthly periods like the old beliefs that ladies having their monthly periods are unclean and should be treated as such. She went further to explain ways to maintain good hygiene during the monthly periods including taking regular baths, changing the sanitary napkins regularly as well as using appropriate underwear. She also showed them a sample of disposable sanitary napkin and explained the proper way to use them.

There were questions from the students which the speaker answered satisfactorily and the students got value from the session.

The high point of the session was the handing out of packs of sanitary napkins to some students who answered questions during the session.

Tuesday, 28 May 2024


The picture you are seeing here is that of a mermaid, as known in European mythology. 
Origin of the word mermaid: The English word "mermaid" is a compound of "mere" (an Old English word for "sea") and "maid" (a girl or young woman). 

Mami wata is nothing but a corruption of the word mermaid. 

Mermaids are common in European ancient mythologies, where they are also called sirens.

Today, in Europe, the mermaid exists only in their fairy stories and legends, where it is depicted as a woman with a fish's tail instead of legs who lives in the sea.

The first picture of a mermaid is said to have been brought to Nigeria by a British colonial agent in 1901.

Now my question for clarity: did our precolonial African ancestors believe that a mermaid, that is, a woman with a fish tail or even human legs, lived inside their waters?

Fada Angelo Chidi Unegbu


The River Niger takes off from the Guinea Highlands in south-eastern Guinea, near the Sierra Leone border. "It runs in a crescent shape through Mali, Niger, on the border with Benin, and then through Nigeria, discharging through a massive delta, known as the Niger Delta, into the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean." To this point, the water spirits are in charge. 
That is why when someone is drowned by the water around Nigeria, the spirits demand to have their bodies or that the relatives pay ransom. 

Again, in case of a mishap the African water spirits protect those who give them Fanta and drown those who do not. 

African marine spirits also love rams, goats and chickens. The more you bring these to them, the happier they are with you.

But as soon as the water leaves the shores of Africa, all the spirits retreat and move back to the African waters. 

That is why our brothers and sisters who drown in Italian waters in search of greener pastures are not buried beside the water nor pay ransom to any water spirit but are buried in an Italian cemetery.

With these few points of mine, I hope I have been able to convince you and not confuse you about why the water spirits love living in African waters. Thank you!

Fada Angelo Chidi Unegbu


Dear wife, you can make your husband the most loving, romantic, admirable and caring man on earth.

Ask him what you can do to make him happy.
This is the most important question you will ever ask your husband.

Get rid of bad habits that annoy him
Respect him. 

Allow him to take the lead. Follow him with respect and honor

Make him your number one mentor 

Treat your husband with dignity. 

Be kind to his parents and relatives

Don't be his headache. Give him peace. This is one of the best gifts you can give a man. 

Make him happy. Never do anything that brings him sorrow 

Never compare him to anyone living or dead. 

Be a good money manager and investor. 

Understand his love language and give it to him. 

Be a great cook 

Dress to attract him

Don't be too proud to say "I am sorry"

Appreciate him for paying the bills. Never see it as his duty

Make him your priority. 

Pray for him. 

Play with him 

Listen to him 

Forgive him

Support him financially. Don't be stringy with your money

Support his vision 

Encourage him 

Satisfy hIs sexual needs. Never deny him of your body. 

Tell him you love him 

Celebrate him 

Treat him like your king.

Give him gifts constantly. 
Buy him a new sets of underwear: a new pair of socks, shoes, shirts, belt, trousers, wrist watch or handsets. No gift is too small or too big for your darling husband.

Your Marriage Is What You Make It To Be!

You will not fail in marriage

Feel Free To Share.... 

Pst Samuel Olagbenjo